First of all, some very unfortunate news that I would like to share with everyone. My father has just left us on Sunday, 04 May 2008. Although his departure did not strike us as sudden, it is a lost that my mother and I will have to face for the rest of our time.
He didn't suffer very much, and we could prpbably say that this is a blessing for him to be finally released from the pains and sufferings that he has been enduring throughout his illness.
I can no longer see him smiling or or even hitch a ride from him to work, or even a nag from him would have been welcomed. I know that perhaps at some point of time, I will have to go on with life. But right now, I just want to spend some time remembering him and leave these memories deeply etched in my mind, because after someone leaves us, the only place that they are alive is within our memories. That way, they wll always be our support and motivation.
Many things happened over the past few days, and over the funeral, many things that people have done shows you a very different side of them. People whom you have known for many many years may not amount to someone you have know just a few months or even weeks ago. These were of course not learnt now. But these were openly shown after they were being done.
Live goes on, with or without these people. With them, live may be a better palce but without them, we probably would have nothing to talk about over tea...
Friday, May 09, 2008
After a long long period
love notes
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Lunar New Year
Hoho!! First day of the Lunar New Year!!
Woke up at 8 this morning and proceeded to wash up. Mother was hurrying me already. Hadn't had the time to put on make-up. Just put on foundation and off we went to the temple, whicdh reminds me that I have to go 拜太岁 tomorrow. Hehe...does that reveal my age... =Þ
Then we went to Lor Ong Lai's temple before we went to uncle's house for vegeterian 'brunch'. Waited for all the relatives to come, sat around and caught up with the rest of me cousins. No picture...Gotta wait for them kids to upload in friendster before I 'steal' them.
Went to my auntie's house and sat again and chat some more before going to another uncle's house and chat again. ... Parents...
Now back at home with no programs tonight!! How???
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Sunday, February 03, 2008
KTV outing!!
Went to PartyWorld at International Building with Jayce and her KTV friends today. Quite a fun group of people. One of them is really good at imitating the singers and some of them were really entertaining. On the overall, all were just having fun.
Went to this new Japanese pasta restaurant at CityLink mall for dinner, name is Shokudo. The food was pretty good.
Buta with Wafu tomato sauce.
Chicken with Asparagus in creamy tomato sauce.
Iced Matcha float.
Took the pictures after stirring the pasta, cos we were hungry. If you like pasta, try them. But the chicken was a bit dry though, remember to mix in with the sauce.
Ended up in MaCafe after shopping around a bit in Marina Square and had Cuppacino again. Think the Latte art in Liang Court was much better.
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Saturday, February 02, 2008
只是一个字 1-3
只见神惠一脸迷惑,哲也接着说,“因为你连开一个门都需要做花费那么多心力。别人一定会觉得那是因为我虐待属下,所以大家连进个门都需要那么多勇气。Anyway, ladies first...”
“Let’s see。饮料跟食物如何了?”
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SMSes 2
Will be adding new short messages as I find them. Feel free to sms me interesting SMSes if you have them or drop me an email or comment!!
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Friday & All girls night out!!
This afternoon, I stayed at home and baked my pineapple tarts!!...
Look at all my hard work.
Here's the ingredients used. The dough.

And of course, before they go into the oven!!

There's one picture lacking that should be the complete 'masterpiece' but I was in a hurry to meet my girlfriends and didn't manage to get it in picture. It will be in my tummy sometime soon though.
{edit} Managed to get the picture of the tarts after they were baked.

Had to rush to get ready to meet up with Sylvia and Jayce. It seems like I'm running pretty late. It's already 6.30 and I'm still at home. It was 7 by the time I was ready to leave the house. The irritating part is, The trains are packed like sardines when I reached City Hall and since I didn't want to wait, I decided to walk down to Clarke Quay.
Met up with Sylvia at Liang Court and had some salad. Jayce was engaged in a last minute brfg in school. Throtted down to Macdonald's and had a cuppacino and cake. For one, they had Coffee Art. First time seeing it in Mac though. The cake was Opera Diva, not really fantastic but it'll do for now.

Jayce came, had dinner before we walked down to Clarke Quay. We were undecided between shaking in a club or settling in some nice cosy spot in one of the pubs. We finally went into a cosy Mid-Eastern lounge and bar called Marrakesh.
They served the usual drinks as well as some of their house specials.
Former Virgin: Nice combination. Smooth flow and a slight alcohol kick. Raspberry taste.

Harry 1992: Rather sweet for my likes. It's supposed to blue with red syrup at the bottom beofre mixing.

I Love You - You Love Me: Didn't like this much. Heavy alcohol after-taste. Where did the cherry swim to??

Nice names right?
We also took some Moroccan chickens wings which are really flavoured nicely with the mid-eastern spices.
Then it's picture fun time!!
Me and Sylvia ( who later got a bit drunk...Sorry Whye =Þ)
Me and my 'Hubby' Jayce!!

We talked and gossiped a bit and Sylvia got drunk and that's when we decided to call her guy to pick her up. Waited for 30 minutes before he came and we sent her with him. Oh God! He is sucha piece of wood! Didn't we say she's drunk? Give her some support la... But at least he is concerned enough to come fetch. If he doesn't, go find another worthy one, girl!
The night ended rather early I would say as we all have committments the next day (which in reality is today). And looking forward to the next All-Girls Night Out!
P.S. Khim, ditch bp and join us next time!!!
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Friday, February 01, 2008
只是一个字 1-2
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Went window shopping but...
31 January happens to be my last day of work in the company. Good riddance I may say, but i'm not gonna say anything bad here.
Nobody commented anything on my fan-fiction so I think it was pretty bad then... so perhaps I should stop writing.
Went to True Yoga today for their trial 'course' with one of my girlfriend. Took the Bollywood dancing. Din managed to catch everything but it was fun. I looked like a duck though (funny hand and leg co-ordination). Really wanted to sign up, but then there's no one to accompany me and I'm kinda shy when it comes to perfect strangers. Khim din wanna sign up as she said she's not committed... There goes my yoga club...
Anyway, we had a bit of tea break cum lunch and we met up with Khim's sister and accompanied her for a meal at Ajisen Ramen. NB: Khim's on the right.
I also played with the camera and took this. Isn't it cute??
I also bought a pair of shoes. Nice?
Then i decided to take a few shots of myself and still came to the same conclusion as before, I suck in agree with me?? I don't look like me in the photo... =(
Anyway, nothing happened much today, other then it's my last day and the dance class. I want the club membership... Anyone interested??
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
My Creations!!
Got into the habit of beading recently and did some simple accesories. Check them out.
Anyone likes them can order from me though... I charge $10 and $15, they are sworsaki crystals, mind you.. LOL... Some of my friends intend to start up a business for doing beading but then again, it's not easy being an entrpreneur, so we'll have to go about it with loads of planning...
Whatever it is, I'm just doing it for fun now. But if I can make a few bucks out of it, why not?
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Saturday, January 05, 2008
Funny SMSes
Came across some funny SMSes. Some may be a little bit 'dirty' but hey, that's all for the fun, isn't it?
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