This afternoon, I stayed at home and baked my pineapple tarts!!...
Look at all my hard work.
Here's the ingredients used. The dough.

And of course, before they go into the oven!!

There's one picture lacking that should be the complete 'masterpiece' but I was in a hurry to meet my girlfriends and didn't manage to get it in picture. It will be in my tummy sometime soon though.
{edit} Managed to get the picture of the tarts after they were baked.

Had to rush to get ready to meet up with Sylvia and Jayce. It seems like I'm running pretty late. It's already 6.30 and I'm still at home. It was 7 by the time I was ready to leave the house. The irritating part is, The trains are packed like sardines when I reached City Hall and since I didn't want to wait, I decided to walk down to Clarke Quay.
Met up with Sylvia at Liang Court and had some salad. Jayce was engaged in a last minute brfg in school. Throtted down to Macdonald's and had a cuppacino and cake. For one, they had Coffee Art. First time seeing it in Mac though. The cake was Opera Diva, not really fantastic but it'll do for now.

Jayce came, had dinner before we walked down to Clarke Quay. We were undecided between shaking in a club or settling in some nice cosy spot in one of the pubs. We finally went into a cosy Mid-Eastern lounge and bar called Marrakesh.
They served the usual drinks as well as some of their house specials.
Former Virgin: Nice combination. Smooth flow and a slight alcohol kick. Raspberry taste.

Harry 1992: Rather sweet for my likes. It's supposed to blue with red syrup at the bottom beofre mixing.

I Love You - You Love Me: Didn't like this much. Heavy alcohol after-taste. Where did the cherry swim to??

Nice names right?
We also took some Moroccan chickens wings which are really flavoured nicely with the mid-eastern spices.
Then it's picture fun time!!
Me and Sylvia ( who later got a bit drunk...Sorry Whye =Þ)
Me and my 'Hubby' Jayce!!

We talked and gossiped a bit and Sylvia got drunk and that's when we decided to call her guy to pick her up. Waited for 30 minutes before he came and we sent her with him. Oh God! He is sucha piece of wood! Didn't we say she's drunk? Give her some support la... But at least he is concerned enough to come fetch. If he doesn't, go find another worthy one, girl!
The night ended rather early I would say as we all have committments the next day (which in reality is today). And looking forward to the next All-Girls Night Out!
P.S. Khim, ditch bp and join us next time!!!
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